Our core beliefs.

Blue Heron Training was founded on an unwavering belief in the potential of people and in the transformative power of great leadership. At the heart of our business are fundamental principles that shape and guide everything we do.

We Make a Difference

We make a difference

Our work needs to have a tangible, and positive impact. We are not here to tick any boxes – we want to help you make lasting, effective change.

Honesty, respect, dedication and a genuine desire to do the right thing are principles that help us make a difference.

We only want to do what we are great at – we won’t try to oversell or suggest a solution we are not 100% sure will work for you and your business.

Dedicated to the Cause

Dedicated to the cause

This is more than just a job – it is a passion, a mission – a cause. We are fully committed to doing what is needed to support you for the long term.

We give our best to every engagement because we believe that if you are going to do something, do it as well as you can!

When we know something is right, we don’t compromise, and we don’t shy away from the right action.

Life is for

Life is of living

We share a joy and a passion for life and approach everything we do with optimism, energy, and a sense of humour.

We love working with people and we don’t pretend to be something we are not; we are genuine, humble, curious and kind and these characteristics are at the heart of everything we do.

How can we help you?

Talk to us and see how we can help bring a humanistic approach to your personnel training