Leadership Boost Programme

Boost Programme

1, 2 or 3 day leadership development programme

According to a popular study, only 4% of the problems in an organisation are known to top management, whilst 100% of problems are known to front line employees.

Big statement. Open to debate? Yes. However – the truth is that the people closest to the problems are the best positioned to offer solutions.

The Challenge

Top-down leadership requires information to flow up the line – at every stage being interpreted, filtered and changed. Decision making becomes slow and costly. People feel disempowered and communication breaks down. When communication breaks down, costs go up and progress stalls.

The Solution

Develop your Managers and Leaders. Improve Communication. Empower your People

Key Outcomes

Our flagship programme prioritises leadership and people skills. We will help your people better understand themselves and others, lead with purpose and empathy and communicate skillfully.

  • Focus and re-energise your leadership
  • Renew and rebuild workplace relationships
  • Improve team dynamics
  • Unblock communication jams
  • Transform conflict into collaboration

Day 1 Building bridges

How do I show up as a Leader

Day 2 Culture of collaboration

How do we build connection and accountability

Day 3 Closing the gap

Key actions to build future culture

To find out more about our Leadership Boost Programme, contact us today


The Blue Heron leadership development training was a fantastic insight into me as a person, my leadership style and how I can influence a team. The best thing I found was the training isn’t prescriptive, it gives you the tools to develop into the leader you want to be.

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Get in touch now to carry on the conversation

How can we help you?

Talk to us and see how we can help bring a humanistic approach to your personnel training